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Two Saturdays – March 8 and 15, Noon to 1:30PM 

All supplies provided. This free class is limited to 10 adult participants. This is a two-part class, and folks need to be able to attend both parts.

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information and to register.

Saturday March 29, 10:30AM to 12:30PM

Meeting Room of the Falls Library
3501 Midvale Ave. (Midvale Avenue entrance) [Google Map]

Free. Adults only. Registration required. The maximum number of students is 30.

Click here for more information and to register.

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The popular Spring Book and Bake Sale at the Falls of Schuylkill Library, sponsored by Friends of Falls of Schuylkill Library, will take place once again. This is a great venue for finding popular books for leisure reading as well as unique treasures for gift giving among the thousands of donated books, DVDs, CDs, jigsaw puzzles, and children’s materials. Best of all, there’s a delicious Bake Sale on Saturday. This event is an important library fundraiser. Intake Days are Saturday, April 19, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Monday, April 21 & Tuesday, April 22, 2:00 PM – 6:30 PM. A “First Look” Preview Sale, for Dealers and Members of the Friends of Falls of Schuylkill Library Thursday, April 24 from 10:00 AM – noon, General public is welcome 12:30 PM 3:00 PM. You may join the Friends Group at the preview ($10 a year) or onlineThe Public Sale continues Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The Bake Sale will be on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The Hospitality Team will be sending out a letter calling for bakers closer to the event. Please consider volunteering! The intake and the sales will be located at Falls of Schuylkill Library, 3501 Midvale Ave., Midvale Avenue entrance.

Every Tuesday, 2 to 4 PM, and the third Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Main Room of Falls Library

Craving for a crafts group to meet up with? Want to connect, socially, with other creatives working on portable crafts projects? Looking to share your crafts project or project ideas with other creatives? Stop by the Library – bring a portable craft project (knitting, crocheting, hand-sewing, embroidery, jewelry, etc) that you are working on. Don’t know how, but want to learn to hand-craft from others who are passionate about their projects? Stop in and watch and learn some basics

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Join the Friends of the Falls of Schuylkill Library and partner with us in support of our Falls Library, a neighborhood treasure. Click here to learn more and to join.

Join the Friends of the Falls Library!

Membership is open to all individuals and organizations interested in supporting the Friends. Click here to learn more. 

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The Friends of the Falls of Schuylkill Library is an all-volunteer community member organization promoting the Falls of Schuylkill Library’s services and supporting the preservation of the Library, an original Andrew Carnegie funded library.
• The Friends value our library for its history, its central location, and its content which is free to everyone.
• We value the Library as a community meeting place; it is the heart of East Falls.
• We value literacy and library programs that work toward it.
• We value meeting the needs of a diverse community by encouraging and funding library programs open to anyone, whether a library card holder or not.
• We value cooperation with other East Falls organizations in supporting a vibrant community.

If you have any questions please contact us. Click Here