Catfish Chronicle, Issue 7, Winter 2025

This past week in East Falls saw a transition from mild, above-average temperatures with mostly sunny skies to cooler, cloudier conditions with a noticeable drop in temperature by the end of the week. To many, this signals that Fall is swiftly moving toward winter! And this moment serves to offer up a good theme to focus on for my first Message from the President; “transitions.”
If you made it to the annual meeting, you know that we snagged a great guest speaker for this year’s event. Melissa Jensen, a lecturer in University of Pennsylvania’s English Department spoke on “A Million Years of (Children’s) Literature.” Given the tech problems that surfaced that evening, the million years got reduced a bit in its evolutionary scope, but Melissa demonstrated grace in action as she resiliently arose to the occasion and delivered interesting food for thought on conceptualizations of children in relationship to children’s literature over the years.
One major transition on the evening of the annual meeting was in the nomination and election of officers for the Board. Kathi DiMenna presented the Report of the Nominating Committee on behalf of chair, Connie Gillespie, and Faith McDowell. As the committee noted in their report, “This year, an even numbered year, the Friends will be electing a new president and treasurer. Our tireless and dedicated president, Martha Fuller, has served two 2-year terms and cannot succeed herself.” Neha Pancholi, who is Vice President for the Friends, offered heart-felt words of thanks and appreciation in stating that Martha’s “commitment to the library is unmatched” in everything from her relationship-building with library staff to launching new initiatives such as the new community outreach and engagement committee, and her commitment to assist other libraries. Neha further noted that Martha helped us to “weather the pandemic, a broken boiler, a broken air conditioner (just to name a few),” and advocated for us to support library staff “with everything from new appliances for the kitchen down to a new toilet plunger” (and leaf blower).
As incoming and newly-elected president, I echoed Neha’s kudos to Martha as Martha and I have worked closely on several programs as well as issues over the last few years. During this period of transition, I am particularly thankful and appreciative of her organizing documents for future presidents to follow. At the moment, this is me. Having served as treasurer for 4 years, and as inaugural chair of the Community Outreach and Engagement committee, it has been a pleasure to work with Martha in many capacities. As incoming president, however, I am experiencing mixed emotions in that on one hand, Martha is a hard act to follow in her level of dedication and the sheer number of hours that she has contributed to the mission of making the library the “heart of East Falls.” On the other hand, she has made it easy for me to follow, in that she has been fastidious in organizing documents much like Hansel and Gretel leaving breadcrumbs to leave a trail. Unlike the fairy tale, however, which is ultimately a tale of abandonment and survival, this is a story of sustainability and caring, in that Martha prepared the way for an easy transition for a new president.
As we shift into new roles on the Board, I want to thank Terry Cunningham who has served as treasurer for the past two years, and who brought his professional skills to the service of the Friends. During his tenure, Terry introduced a new check-writing system in paying invoices and found ways to increase revenue such as through investments in certificates of deposit. Terry, who has served a full 2-year term, has commitments that compete for his attention, and so will not be continuing in this role, but I am delighted to welcome Ann Wiley on board as our new treasurer. Professionally, Ann worked as a financial analyst for the FMC Corporation headquartered in Philadelphia. She retired in 2020, and now brings her skills and experience to the Friends.
In discussing transitions, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the years of service that former branch librarian, Wendy Moody, has given to the Friends in the way of coordinating the semi-annual Book Sales, a much beloved community event! Wendy’s attention to detail, her leadership in both recruiting devoted volunteers as well as partnering with book dealers, and her advocacy on behalf of the library and the Friends were driving forces that went into the shaping of highly successful book sales both in the way of fundraising as well as community engagement. Wendy began organizing these events upon her retirement in 2004 and continued these through 2024. She was joined by Frankie Jueds about 5 years ago, and together they co-chaired our much looked-forward-to Book Sales. This year, Wendy and Frankie decided to pass the torch on to new co-chairs Ann Wiley and Beth Hymel. We leave this much-loved community event in their very capable hands. Please look elsewhere in this newsletter for a recount from our new co-chairs as to the success of “this” Fall Book Sale.
I also want to welcome two new members of the Community Outreach and Engagement committee: Emily Branch who has volunteered to take on being Assistant Editor of The Catfish Chronicle, and Angie Levy who will be working on a Volunteer Directory.
Lastly, please know that I am excited to tackle the many items that come with being President of the Friends. The job, however, is made so much easier by being surrounded and supported by a very active Board and engaged membership. Thank you for your vote of confidence.
Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season as we welcome 2025!
Jenna Musket
President Friends of Falls of Schuylkill Library